+39 3498779796
Work Inquiries

Ada Resuli

Adaresuliphotography is a website that brings to life all the hard work of Ada Resuli, a photographer who loves taking pictures of families, maternity, and children.


Redesign the entire website while emphasyzing the photographer's skills. making it more appealing for customers.

  • Client

    Ada Resuli

  • My role

    Designer, Project Manager


Create passion and engagement in customers.

Sometimes the first impression is everything. With this project, I wanted to make sure to highlight at its best the pictures of Ada and create a journey for the user to fully explore her potential ad abilities.

the process

A visually strong photographic album.

Most of the pictures are very impactful and had to be shown in the best way so that the client while scrolling the website, could have a real glimpse of the talent and passion of the photographer.

more personal

A new set of icons.

I created these four icons to give a more unique look at the website. The round shapes and lines bring harmony and beauty to the content as much as the approach of Ada in every aspect of her work. Each of them represents a category of pictures that the user can explore.

La magia dei neonati.

Il ritratto di famiglia

L’esperienza della maternità


Let’s collaborate

Send me an email to discuss a new project!

I’m always excited to hear new ideas and help customers to create amazing projects.

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