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Wine Marcom

Winemarcom is a wine agency that operates in the United States and is specialized in selling Italian products in the European and American markets.


Redesign the entire website of the brand and create a fluid navigation to shwcase multiple products.

  • Client

    Luca Branzanti, Enrico Marcato

  • My role

    Art Director, Project Manager


An identity that reflects the brand principles.

With a vast selection of wines, this showcase site offers multiple choices where you can read about the products and also download all the pieces of information.

The goal was to combine the dynamic style of an agency with a more classic style typical of Italian wines, creating a fluid concept that showcases all the different products and producers affilitaed.

the process

Give a structure to the menu

The previous menu consisted only of three pages with essential information. I had to design a new architecture that could fit a multitude of wines and canteens, giving a nice user experience while navigating into the website.

Every canteen and bottle page has been also implemented with a selector to move through the website even after opening one of its pages.

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